Day January 29, 2024

Vietnam Set for Exceptional Growth in 2024

Vietnam is poised to maintain its economic outperformance compared to regional counterparts in 2024, fueled by significant inward investment into its manufacturing and export sectors. The country’s economic openness and robust fundamentals contribute to this positive outlook. These insights were…

Xuất khẩu trái cây và rau củ tăng 89%

Xuất khẩu trái cây và rau củ đã tăng 89,2% trong năm nay lên mức 459 triệu đô la Mỹ do sự tăng cầu mạnh mẽ từ Trung Quốc, theo Hiệp hội Rau quả Việt Nam. Trung Quốc đã nhập…

Exports of fruits and vegetables surge by 89%

Vietnam’s fruit and vegetable exports have experienced an impressive 89.2% increase this year, reaching $459 million, primarily fueled by heightened demand from China, as reported by the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association. China’s substantial imports include durian, bananas, and dragon…

Strategic Growth Focus: Prioritizing Export Expansion

The Vietnamese government is implementing new strategies outlined in its annual resolution to sustain economic growth and achieve a targeted export revenue of $376 billion in 2024, reflecting a 6% YoY increase. Despite a GDP of $430 billion in the…